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Court Schedule

Our Barclay Downs tennis courts are busy places with members and pros enjoying year-round tennis. Queen City league play and USTA junior team tennis play occur spring and fall.  Often, one of the six courts is available, but please be aware of the following schedule when most or all courts are being used. Additionally, please refer to the Club calendar.


Wednesday and Thursday mornings until 11:30am, March through mid-May for women’s Queen City matches. Rain dates may extend the season toward Memorial Day.

Saturday mornings until 10:30am, five courts are used on several Saturdays from March through mid-May for men’s Queen City home matches. Rain dates may extend the season.

Sunday afternoons from 1:00pm – 3:30pm from March through mid-May for USTA junior team tennis.


Monday through Friday mornings from 8:30am – 11:30am from June through August.


Wednesday and Thursday mornings until 11:30am, September through mid-November for women’s Queen City matches. Rain dates may extend the season toward Thanksgiving.

Saturday mornings until 10:30am, five courts are used on several Saturdays from September through mid-November for men’s Queen City home matches. Rain dates may push the season further.

Sunday afternoons from 1:00pm – 3:30pm from September through mid-November for USTA junior team tennis.



